
Webinar on BEBO Arches in the UAE


BEBO Presentation at the Institution of Structural Engineers’ CPD Session on Design and Construction of Precast Concrete Arches in the UAE.

BEBO Arch International (BEBOI) are happy and proud to share that we have been invited to give a presentation at the “Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Session” of the Institution of Structural Engineers (UAE Regional Group).

The presentation was a joint effort by BEBOI and VSL and has taken place in a webinar format at the end of September 2022.

The presentation covered design, production and construction of BEBO Arch Structures in the Middle East, and we have showcased some of the signature projects that were built in the area over the past years.

Big Thank You to the IStructE UAE Regional Group for organizing the webinar. Always think BEBO first!