
Tevernerheide Green Bridge


Green Bridge for Wildlife Crossing between two Nature Reserves

The Teverener Heide is a nature reserve at the Netherland – German border in the district of Heinsberg in North Rhine-Westphalia. Over many years, a cultural landscape has emerged that offers habitats for a large variety of wildlife.

The Europaweg Noord Road passes the area at its southern tip. This created the need for a safe wildlife crossing some 3 km east of the town of Brunssun.

The BEBO E42T/3 Arch resting on in-situ pedestal footings fulfilled the clearance requirements while the bevelled end option made sure of an aesthetically pleasing appearance of the structure in these well-known natural surroundings.

Congratulations to the team at Martens Prefab for the successful supply of this beautiful BEBO Precast Concrete Arch Bridge.